So, the testimonials in THIS VERY THREAD of wives who were shamed and beaten by their husbands are false simply because you declare them so? He is giving me enough leeway so I am not really stressed about it, and since our test spank, I know what Im in for if I fail. Our marriage is energized. Do you have any children? Take any instructional material on domestic discipline and youll notice two things : knowledge symmetry (the man and the woman must comprehensively discuss and understand every aspect of this lifestyle), and psychological sophistication : the many psychological effects of physical disciplining (which only is one aspect of the lifestyle) are presented at length to both the man and the woman. Domestic Disciplining is consistent with the natural instincts of men and women which is why it has been practiced for so long, and why it will keep coming back over and over whether you like it or not. Just compare the divorce rates in 1960 with those of today. Previously I have shown Domestic Discipline to be both a Biblical concept as well as a historical practice amongst husbands for thousands of years on my Instagram page @biblicalsexandiscipline and on my blog as well as podcasts series on Unless I agree with you 100%, Im outside of the will of God? I have never married. That alone gives me a strong desire to please him.What I am trying to say is MENIf you lead she WILL follow, and she will be content in doing so. Anonymous,, 5. Thats my responsibility as a believer and as a thinking adult. With regards to this new craziness, deepen your research and you will find that it was very common for men to spank their wives, to the point that archives of advertising campaigns referring to this then cultural norm can easily be found online. This is the reason tolerance is essential if you want your ideas to pass the test of time. If you start fantasizing about someone else when you are making love, or at any other time, I think you are praying your partner out. campaign, Christian Domestic Discipline/Loving Wife Spanking in a Christian Marriage is not satire -- and I just can't get it out of my head. BDSM is not recommended for all Christians, but safe and responsible BDSM has the potential to enhance intimacy and strengthen marriages. Which is another reason that role playing is dangerousOK, Im not good enough for you, but if I dress up as Kim Kardashian, thats OK now?. Get the joke now? Domestic Disciplining is consistent with the natural instincts of men and women which is why it has been practiced for so long, and why it will keep coming back over and over whether you like it or not. Its not right. Jamin usually keeps a pistol under the mattress and one on top of the refrigerator. A friend of mine from work saw how down I was. We met through church but I dont know what his family background was. Michael is worried sick over his wife's whereabouts, and he's determined to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. Well, to hell with him. When I was growing up, it was not in a household that practiced Christian Domestic Discipline. Oh boy, here we go. They are not like traditional couples who improvise a relationship and work it out on the go. She has has been hospitalized many times due to his abuse but somehow he has used his position and influence to escape legal action each time. Jesus said to the Pharisees, For better or worse, most states had laws restricting what was allowable between husband and wife in the bedroom. Just 3% of those (thats 0.1% of Americans) went to Africa and Eastern Europe isnt even mentioned:, Gary W: However,his spanking wasalways controlledwhichmust have made it all the more confusing to Lauren. BeenThereDoneThat: Ive heard that put-down of those who quote scripture before. I dont know what to do?!? So I would not use such laws as legitimate precedents for anything either. Thanks, Gary. I wasnt mad at my husband I knew I earned my punishment. saying she needs to feel the pain to remind her to whom she belongs and forcing her to do rigorous housework and chores. I asked [redacted] how it made her feel emotionally, if she was scared for her life. You take it up with him., the wife and the husband having power or authority over each others bodies is in the context of them not refusing each other conjugal relations (due benevolence). [redacted] said Jamin has used pornography as a means of punishment towards [redacted]. (1 Cor 7:4), the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. My father hated women and little girls, he hated raped little girls, he hated two year old little girls. Youre the one admitting on a public blog that you like to be spanked. It doesnt matter if millions of legitimate lives deviating from the average are frustrated and destroyed in the process, these are just data points). If you are currently living (or have lived) the Christian Domestic Discipline lifestyle and you would like to share how it has helped your marriage or relationship, please email your story and mention that you wish to share your experiences with other people. He had a bad day and I think that made him getting angry easier. Christianity is a lot harder on women and children than it is for men, the men are living like kings and gods, promoting their superiority and rule while women and children are living like trapped miserable bottom kissing slaves. Welcome to grown up land folks. I cant imagine anyone here wants 100pinkapples to suffer from her trauma forever. Careful, Julie Anne, true alpha females dont go over the top. science is wrong on domestic violence because you said so? Not a single male rose to my defense. Im about the only one here who actually quotes scripture. I started going to their church and before long was a very active member. The call to statistics to justify that since it has to be abusive most of the time, it would be better to simply outlaw it. What youre asking for is a form Benevolent Sexism. Well, 100pinkapples, lone wolf comes around to accuse you of being in a rage. The best part of domestic discipline is what has happened emotionally between this long-time married couple. And helpful. Finally, I would suggest that the fix you are suggesting are the reasons domestic discipline has been making a come back lately and is here to stay. Out of our wounds flow compassion, understanding, & grace. If men like you were running Christianity its reputation would be much better, and I am sure women and little girls would be suffer and much happier. Does anyone have advice? Anonymous,, 13. It mush be nice to be self righteous dont you think. And you just assume I am a man because it never enters your intolerant head that a woman could actually want to put herself under her husbands headship. Many people even literally proceed in the manner I have just described. (You cannot find a single Bible verse that says that never married adult women must submit to a man because there is no such concept. If accusations of anger are routinely hurled as thought stoppers by Christian tyrants everywhere, just think how effective wolf must think it will have been to accuse you of rage. Male headship is followed all over the world. its called, You sit there on your high horse telling a survivor what her recovery should look like. What I can however say is that what you describe isnt generally speaking the spirit of domestic discipline. Hubby seems to like anal sex. It makes complete sense that someone raised in this culture would extend it to domestic abuse. But to broaden that out and say that no woman should ever be spanked tramples on individual conscience. My sister and brother continue to suffer as a result. In a certain sense, your intolerance will only amplify the problem and at some point people will throw the baby with the water even though not everything you say about the need to protect vulnerable people generally speaking is off the mark (in my opinion). You get all edgy. By consent is OK, we read. This is not some sort of dark movement where people are held in chains in basements. maybe a directory of churches and communities, that still get it, would help . But I do not want a day when people wake up confused because women rights have been flushed down the toilets. Those who advocate domestic discipline do so on the basis of several passages taken out of context and wildly interpreted. Youll get prayers and someone standing with you to get rid of the bad stuff and move on. Is it Fair for A Fat Christian Man to Expect His Wife to RemainFit? Justice is not a consensual relationship. And please dont discount the experiences of those whove suffered under religious patrio-centrism or just plain chauvinism. Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Michael is worried sick over his wife's whereabouts, and he's determined to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. Just about to board the 2nd leg of my flight to Chicago. We have six wives and 8 unmarried women including our daughters in the class. Lauren and I exchangede-mails (edited slightly for brevity) and Lauren gave me permission to share with you our conversation,in the hopes that it will help other wives and also shed light on this dark secret in Christianity: BRAVO for you!! Previously I have shown Domestic Discipline to be both a Biblical concept as well as a historical practice amongst husbands for thousands of years on my Instagram page @biblicalsexandiscipline and on my blog as well as podcasts Then, they sign this document in the presence of lawyers, and witnesses (friends and/or parents of the woman). I see only 3.5% of Americans traveled overseas in 2009 (when the study was done). Women do not secretly want to be controlled and desired. For where does it end ? As far as I can see, no one in this conversation is opposed to the Bible or its teachings, but to your interpretation of them. I applaud you for wanting to help her. WebThen I went to college and met my husband James, and became a Christian. Dont just say my position is not Biblical, argue it, prove it from scripture, of course. Thank you for writing and shedding light on another form of domestic abuse that doesnt get talked about very much. And I expect I was twisting or misinterpreting scripture with the Mark 11 quote, wasnt I? For, right now most people in this thread seem to be in a bubble of self-righteousness that tends to look ridiculous from the outside, especially when the scientists obviously know nothing about the object of their analysis. In other words, they basically say, you may be in pain, and you may have been wronged, but F___ you. Enjoy each others smug, judgmental company. Cant get strength that will defend them a la Roy Rogers, so you get strength that will slap you around a la Gray or John Wayne in his worse moments. Nor, based on his presentation here, did it ever occur to me to just assume that Lone Voice is a Christian. Your attempt to broad brush all who disagree with you as feminists does not work. I never forget the last time I tested him. Lone Voice said. Daisy, my comment was actually a response to LV. Julie Anne asks, What does Er. mean? Its the soft and fading, though somewhat prolonged, sound of brain flatulence. I think nobody bothered to really answer because your self-proclaimed moral superiority, and arrogant psychiatric doctor tone make you guys look close-minded and beyond hope. Thank you, Serving. Regarding your link, Id actually view the success of 50 shades as a consequence of so many women not having an example of real masculinity in their lifeso they go for the fake, which is Christian Gray or whoever. My head went spinning. The first thing we were told was a regularly scheduled spanking, and maintenance spanking, was needed, and it should be daily in the beginning.
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